Accountability & Engagement
The key to successful teams is accountability and engagement. I believe that positive and respective relationships enable team members to create an effective and productive work-space where they, as individuals, and their teams can thrive.
“Soft & Hard” Skills
In today’s highly competitive business environment employers seek “soft skills” such as – creativity, passion, persuasion and collaboration. The most needed “hard skill” is people management. My workshops and coaching programme can assist your company and team in identifying and developing these skills.
Step into your Own Power
In my corporate coaching and training I create a safe space within which individuals and teams can explore, understand and engage with the power dynamics present in their work environment. It is important to me to help people step into their own power so that they may succeed.
Coaching needs to be Context-Specific
I believe coaching needs to be context-specific. As such, I offer bespoke coaching packages and workshops. This is achieved by engaging with a team in the context of their everyday work challenges and developing a coaching programme accordingly. My approach towards group training and corporate coaching is informal, yet structured, and characterised by an interactive and participatory methodology. I offer in-house as well as practice-based coaching services.
Exploring Neuro-Leadership
I resolve unhelpful interaction in teams, which cause disconnect and inefficiency in the work-space. This is done by exploring neuro-leadership. This means that I help people understand what happens in the brain during interactions and how this may limit or expands efficacy and accountability.
Key Focus Areas
- Team Engagement
- Accountability – How To Get There
- Appreciation Practices
- Respect As A Neurological State
- Communication: What Is Your Style?
- Conflict Resolution
- How To Have A Difficult Conversation
- Stress Management
- Embrace Diversity
- The Client Journey
- Ambassadors Of The Brand
- How To Engage With Our Significant Others
- After A Bad Day At The Office
- Work-Life Balance
- Self-Talk: Body And Mind Integration
- Self-Care Practices
Benefits of Coaching
- Insight Into All The Relationships Within Your Business – Your Personnel, Suppliers & Customers Alike.
- Improved Understanding & Communication.
- Focused Attention To Your Client’s Journey.
- A More Effective And Engaged Team, Resulting In Higher Productivity.
A Coaching Programme & my Workshops
will Support your Business in the Following Manner:
Increased Profitably
Increased Profitably Due To Higher Productivity And Team Engagement.
Optimizing Team Collaboration
Optimizing Team Collaboration And Understanding, Which Leads To Greater Staff Retainment.
Achieving Goals
Achieving Corporate, Team And Personal Goals, Resulting In Greater Job Satisfaction.
Insight And Better Understanding
Insight And Better Understanding Of Relationships Within The Business Between Team Members, Suppliers And Customers Alike.
Effective Communication
Effective Communication, Improved Relationship Understanding And Negotiation Skills.
Conflict Resolution
Constructive Conflict Resolution.
Professionalism As A Way Of Being.
Greater Accountability And Commitment.
Company Resources
Prudent Use Of Company Resources.
Focused Attention
Focused Attention To Your Client’s Journey And Client Satisfaction.
Client Retention
Improved Client Retention.
How is this Achieved?
- Developing An Integrated Neuro-Leadership Culture.
- Identifying And Optimizing Existing Managerial Practices.
- Discovering The Strengths Of The Team To Benefit Both The Individual And The Business.
- Identifying Communication Styles.
- Knowing Your Triggers And Exploring Skills To Manage Your Stress Responses.
- Implementing Practices Of Appreciation.
- Effecting Respectful And Accountable Interaction.
- Developing Conflict Resolution Skills
- Defining Goals And Action Plans.
- Healthy Work-Life Balance.
- Brand Accountability.
- Embracing Diversity As An Asset Within The Team.